Oklahoma Teen Wins Volkswagen Beetle After Attending a Stranger’s Funeral: ‘Perfect winner was drawn’ A generous woman decided to do something fun with her last wishes, offering her car to anyone who would come to attend her funeral. Her name was Diane Sweeney, a...
Facts About the Real-Life Hotel That Inspired “The Shining” Did “The Shining” scar you for life the first time you saw it? The classic horror movie has everything that could possibly creep you out and force you to run under your covers with no...
Deep Reading as a Spiritual Practice The concept of deep reading is similar to the practice of Lectio Divina for understanding scripture. Whether it is done individually or in a group setting, there are four essential parts to Lectio Divina: Read the passage Meditate...
Why Should you Contemplate More? Why Should You Contemplate More? The importance of experiencing your own existence. From the Greek philosopher Plato to the Buddha to modern psychology, the value of contemplation as a means of fostering well-being and wisdom has been...
Doctor Prescribes Cat A Virginia woman was feeling sad. Her doctor prescribed her a cat. Robin Sipe’s eyes filled with tears as soon as her doctor entered the examining room. “My cat had recently died and I was feeling really sad and depressed,” Sipe said she told her...
Mechanic Finds Hundreds of Pieces of Valuable Art in Dumpster A Man Pulled Some Unusual Art from a Dumpster, Thinking It’d Be Fun for Halloween Decor. It May Actually Be Worth a Scary Amount Four and a half years ago, a mechanic pulled a trove of unidentified...