For New Dads: Paternity leave is more than changing diapers. It can change your brain. For new dads: Paternity leave is more than changing diapers. It can change your brain. Dalton Hessel, 28, sat on the couch with his wife, watching their daughter lie on the...
Detroit’s Newest Road Can Now Charge Electric Cars as They Drive on it Detroit, Michigan celebrated a major milestone in the future of vehicle electrification, as crews finished installing the nation’s first wireless-charging public roadway last month. Using...
You Have a Hidden Potential That Only Travel Can Unlock–And You Hold the Key Soon you may be contemplating New Year’s resolutions, and along with desires to read more, learn a language, or stop smoking, finding time to travel will definitely be on people’s minds. But,...
The Importance of Celebrating Holiday Traditions Holidays are the time of celebration and remembrance of an important event or person that took place in one’s country. Holidays should also be a time when friends and family come along together to celebrate their...
Charity Scams Get Active Over the Holidays:Expert Tips to Avoid Them Abandoned animals, kids with cancer, disabled veterans: These and other pitches for charity can move your emotions and have you reaching for your credit card. But beware: Especially around the...
WHAT IS A MAST YEAR? HOW AND WHY IT HAPPENS Have you noticed a bumper crop of acorns this year? You’re not alone – trees are having what’s known as a mast year. The bountiful harvest is a clever strategy to ensure the future generation of oak trees and its welcome...