Pizza Driver A pizza driver got a $2 tip in a snowstorm, so people raised thousands for him On Jan. 11, Lieutenant Richard Craig posted a video of he and Connor Stephanoff, a 20-year-old delivery driver for Rockstar Pizza in Brownsburg, Indiana. The video, which...
Why choose optimism Why choose optimism? Optimism is one of my values. For me it means looking for the good first, keeping an open mind and not leaping to negative conclusions or making assumptions. It’s about giving “good” a chance to show up. Now some...
Ban Pet Sales in CT Pet stores in Connecticut would have to stop selling animals under this proposal A proposal to ban the sale of dogs, cats and pet rabbits would prevent Connecticut from becoming a hub for pet stores where animals are subjected to unhealthy and...
The History of Valentine The History of Valentine’s Day, and Why We Celebrate Valentine’s Day may be associated with romance, but the history of the holiday isn’t exactly lovey-dovey. Here are the facts you may not know—plus, fun ideas for Valentine’s Day...
74 year old ultra runner For Duluth area ultra runner Michael Koppy, age is irrelevant Michael Koppy, 74, of Hermantown, Minn., is aiming to become the oldest runner to ever complete the Arrowhead Ultra 135, a grueling race across northern Minnesota. Here he is...