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Woman Searching for a Kidney

by | Oct 6, 2024 | CST Articles | 0 comments

Woman is searching for living kidney donor

Twenty-eight-year-old Jessica Biolo is sharing her battle with chronic kidney disease in hopes of finding a life-saving donor.

Four days a week, Jessica Biolo listens to her at-home hemodialysis device beeping for hours on end.  The machine is her lifeline. 

“I’m currently in stage five renal failure, so that means my kidneys essentially don’t work,” said Biolo.

Jess shares a special bond with her two sisters: they’re triplets. Though Jess’ story is different than that of her siblings.

She was born with chronic kidney disease, having first undergone dialysis at just age three.  Now, at 28-years old, she’s tried every kind of dialysis option there is and has undergone two transplants.

“I had my first transplant in 2000. I was four. It actually came from a deceased donor, and that lasted me 20 years, which was amazing. My original neurologist actually didn’t think I’d make it through high school,” said Biolo.

She needed a second transplant in 2022 and to her family’s delight, her dad was a match.

Unfortunately, her body rejected his kidney after just two weeks. Finding a living donor is now her last option, according to Jess’ doctors.

Through it all Jess has kept an optimistic attitude, even continuing working towards getting her masters in recreational therapy.  She credits her family for keeping her going.

“This has been my life since as long as I can remember. My family has always been my biggest support system.  Now, Jess and her family are hoping to find another generous, selfless somebody to be her perfect match.

“I just hope that people understand that organ donation does save lives,” said Biolo. “Even if you just get tested and you’re not a match with me, there’s someone else that you can be a potential match for.”

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