More Than Memory Care

People are more than the problems that their diagnosis creates or their need for care. We believe that language shapes intention and that the places we chose to live in should be labeled by our aspirations for living not the challenges to our memory. Most assisted living and nursing home providers offer ‘memory care’ as just another part of what they do. Our entire focus is on partnering with people who are living with dementia or who care deeply about someone experiencing changes because of dementia.

At LiveWell, we believe living well with dementia involves focusing on the experiences of people with dementia and the people who care about and for them. It means paying attention to their quality of life: upholding their identity, their connections, their autonomy, their security, their purpose, their growth and their joy. It means deeply appreciating their needs and co-creating adaptive strategies to address those needs. It means continuing to value a person with dementia after they receive a diagnosis. It means enabling people to do as much as they can for as long as they can. And it means respecting their humanity all the way through the course of their condition.