Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

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Love at first sight

by | Oct 11, 2024 | CST Articles, CST Thursday, CST Wednesday | 0 comments

Is Love at First Sight Real?

The answer to whether love at first sight is real ultimately boils down the definition of love. Generally speaking, love is defined as a deeply intimate relationship where security, trust, safety, and attachment have all been established.

When you think about “love at first sight,” these factors are simply not present the first time you meet a person. Instead, they need time to develop. So, the short answer as to whether love at first sight is real is no, not really. 

“What can develop is an intense attraction that involves an influx of hormones and neurochemical reactions that motivate us to seek closeness and intimacy with the object of our affection and attraction,” explains Kristen Roye, doctor of Psychology.   “This response system can initially be triggered instantaneously and encourage us to explore a further relationship with this person that can certainly lead to love.”

Dr. Roye explains that this immediate sense of attraction and connection to another ends up triggering a flurry of hormones, including feel-good hormones such as dopamine and cortisol. This creates a burst of positive feelings that can make someone feel as though they have “found the one.”

When people experience that magical “love at first sight” feeling, it’s largely based on physical attraction, finding the other person special or interesting, or connecting on common ground and shared values. Add in some hormonal chemistry and your heart might just feel like it’s on fire. Experiencing these feelings is an excellent reason to pursue a relationship with someone, but remember that real, genuine love is something that develops slowly over time. 

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