Tyler McCauley

Wellbeing Director of Fitness & Movement

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Tyler McCauley Biography

Tyler has been involved in the Fitness and Wellness industry in a variety of ways for the past 27 years. As a Personal Trainer, Health Club Owner, Manager and Executive Director, he believes in the ability of all bodies regardless of age, to flourish given the right support.

Tyler has had the privilege of training diverse populations; Olympic athletes, celebrities, older adults, and those living with physical disabilities as well as some of the top orthopedic professionals throughout his career. As the Wellness Director of Fitness and Movement at Livewell, he is passionate about creating opportunities to challenge stereotypes around physical fitness and aging.

Tyler holds a BS, MBA, and personal training certifications through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), National Sports Performance Association (CSAC), and a second level Resistance Training Specialist (RTS II). Tyler has a very busy family life making sure he attends every sporting event of his three children.