Request a Tour We are looking forward to showing you around! Would you kindly share some information that will help us coordinate your tour? 1Your Name2Relationship to Dementia3Tour Preferences4Availability5Communication Preferences6Questions? Your First Name(Required) Your Last Name(Required) What is your relationship to dementia? I am living with dementia or cognitive change I am a care partner I am helping to support someone living with dementia I want to prevent dementia I don't have a relationship to dementia I am a professional that supports people living with dementia Unsure Prefer not to answer What would you like your tour to focus on? Check all that apply. All Residential Living Options Unparalleled Assisted Living at the River Homes Reimagined Skilled Nursing Neibhborhoods Resilient Living Center The whole campus Unsure What would you like to learn about during your tour? Check all that apply. Residential Options Ways to prevent dementia Programs, Courses, and Workshops Special Events Membership to the Resilient Living Center Occupational Therapy Resources, Supports, and Services What days of the week tend to work best for you? Check all that apply. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Unsure. My schedule varies. With enough notice I can be flexible What times of day tend to work best for you? Check all that apply. Mornings Afternoons Evenings Unsure. My schedule varies. With enough notice I can be flexible How would you like us to follow up with you to coordinate your tour?I prefer communicating by: Phone Email I don't have a preference May we have your contact information to follow up with you?Phone Number(Required) Email(Required) Address City State Zip Do you have any questions ahead of your tour?