Virtual Care Partner Support Group

2nd & 4th Wednesdays | 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Are you caring for someone living with dementia at home?

While dementia can be a difficult transition to live with, those who care for people experiencing this transition also experience their own difficulties. Facilitated by a licensed clinician, this support group is specifically for care partners of those living with dementia.

Through this group, participants can gain a support network of other care partners who understand what it is like to live with and take care of a person living with dementia and help them feel less alone.

Care partner support groups have been shown to help reduce, anxiety, depression, and distress, increase a sense of empowerment and control, and improve healthy coping skills.

Join us for a no-charge*, twice monthly Virtual Care Partner Support Group. Be heard, be encouraged, gain strength – for yourself and those you love.

*Your generous donations help us continue to offer this course.

Want to sign up for this group or still have questions? Give us a call. 860.628.3007


Shazia Chaudhry, LMSW

Shazia loves being a social worker! She is enthusiastic about connecting deeply with people, sharing stories and supporting people as everyone journeys through life’s opportunities and challenges. She has over 25 years of experience working with diverse populations who are marginalized due to religious, cultural, sexual and or disability affiliations. As a change agent, she leverages a rich range of skills and abilities to effectuate change on a personal, community and organizational level. 

Currently, Shazia is working as the Director of Community Relations at LiveWell. She joined LiveWell staff in 2008. Her role and responsibilities at LiveWell are diverse; Shazia assists families whose lives are affected by living with dementia in finding services and resources to best fit their needs. She also works extensively with families as they work through understanding dementia, planning for the future, maximizing utilization of resources and abilities as well as decisions around residency.

Shazia engages people living with dementia and their families in exploration of things that matter most to them. She facilitates a support group for care partners and creates a space for honest and meaningful dialogue about their lived experiences. She advocates for promoting understanding across a wide range of human differences.

“I always look forward to joining this meeting regardless of how our day has gone. Shazia prompts us ahead of time to think of positive things in our lives but always listens to each of us as we struggle to care for our loved one. We laugh, we cry, we care about each other, and we always feel a bit “lighter” when the meeting is over.” – Care Partner/Participant