The Southington Observer

LiveWell, library offers ‘memory café’ as new dementia resource

The Southington Public Library, in partnership with LiveWell dementia specialists, are bringing a trending resource to town. Southington’s own “memory café” will kick off on June 11 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the library.

The monthly program is designed to be a comfortable place that encourages socialization between people living with dementia, along with their caregivers. Each month, participants will be able to work together on a game or craft, or simply talk with one another over light refreshments.

“It’s all about socializing, networking, getting out of home and talking with one another,” said adult program coordinator Liz Chubet. “It’s just a nice light atmosphere.”

According to director of community development at LiveWell Katy Bannister, there are only two memory cafes in Connecticut. There are 110 in Massachusetts and 138 in Wisconsin.